

In the past decade, IHRI authors have contributed to over 160 published research journals covering key
public health issues, from a diverse range of perspectives.



  1. Zhao R, Fairley CK, Cook AR, Phanuphak N, He S, Tieosapjaroen W, et al. Optimising HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and testing strategies in men who have sex with men in Australia, Thailand, and China: a modelling study and cost-effectiveness analysis. Lancet Glob Health. 2024;12(2):e243-e56.

  2. Yu YJ, Schieber E, Janamnuaysook R, Wang B, Gunasekar A, MacDonell K, Getwongsa P, Kim D, Wongharn P, Phanuphak N. Barriers and facilitators to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake and adherence among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Thailand: a qualitative study. AIDS Care. 2024:1-9.

  3. Yimsaard P, Mootz JJ, Rungnirundorn T, Janamnuaysook R, Samitpol K, Phanuphak N, et al. Assessing the acceptability of implementing a Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for alcohol use among transgender women in Bangkok, Thailand: A mixed-method pre-implementation study using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Addiction. 2024.

  4. Thitipatarakorn S, Teeratakulpisarn N, Nonenoy S, Klinsukontakul A, Suriwong S, Makphol J, Hongchookiat P, Chaya-Ananchot T, Chinlaertworasiri N, Mingkwanrungruang P, Sacdalan C, Poltavee K, Pankam T, Kerr SJ, Ramautarsing R, Colby D, Phanuphak N. Prevalence and incidence of anal high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in a cohort of cisgender men and transgender women who have sex with men diagnosed and treated during acute HIV acquisition in Bangkok, Thailand. J Int AIDS Soc. 2024;27(5):e26242.

  5. Psaros C, Goodman GR, Lee JS, Rice W, Kelley CF, Oyedele T, Coelho LE, Phanuphak N, et al. HPTN 083-02: factors influencing adherence to injectable PrEP and retention in an injectable PrEP study. J Int AIDS Soc. 2024;27(5):e26252.

  6. Phanuphak N, Janyam S, Patpeerapong P, Sittikan S, Daramadhaj K, Pengnonyang S, et al. Response to Thailand’s commitment to support community-led HIV services. Lancet HIV. 2024;11(3):e141-e2.

  7. Ounchanum P, Achalapong J, Teeraananchai S, Tran DNH, Dang HLD, Teeratakulpisarn N, Chalermchockcharoenkit A, Singtoroj T, Sohn AH, Phanuphak N. The effects of bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on high-risk anogenital HPV infection among sexually active female adolescents with and without perinatally acquired HIV. Sex Health. 2024;21(1):NULL.

  8. Ocampo FF, Sacdalan C, Pinyakorn S, Paudel M, Wansom T, Poltubtim N, Sriplienchan S, Phanuphak N, et al. Neuropsychiatric and Laboratory Outcomes of Hepatitis C Treatment in an Early-Treated HIV Cohort in Thailand. Res Sq. 2024.

  9. Kritchanchai D, Srinon R, Kietdumrongwong P, Jansuwan J, Phanuphak N, Chanpuypetch W. Enhancing home delivery of emergency medicine and medical supplies through clustering and simulation techniques: A case study of COVID-19 home isolation in Bangkok. Heliyon. 2024;10(12):e33177.

  10. Janamnuaysook R, Guo Y, Yu YJ, Phanuphak N, Kawichai S, MacDonell K, et al. Lived experiences with pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake and adherence among transgender women in Thailand: a qualitative study. Sex Health. 2024.

  11. Hearps AC, Zhou J, Agius PA, Ha P, Lee S, Price P, Kek H, Kroon E, Akapirat S, Pinyakorn S, Phanuphak N, et al. Adaptive NK Cells Rapidly Expand during Acute HIV Infection and Persist Despite Early Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy. J Immunol. 2024.

  12. Grinsztejn B, Mussini C, Cortes C, Tan DHS, Phanuphak N. Beating the odds: medicines alone will not stop HIV. J Int AIDS Soc. 2024;27(6):e26321.

  13. Gray J, Prestage G, Jin F, Phanuphak N, Friedman RK, Fairley CK, et al. Condom Failure Among HIV-Negative Men in Serodiscordant Relationships in Australia, Brazil, and Thailand. AIDS Behav. 2024.

  14. Chan P, Moreland S, Sacdalan C, Kroon E, Colby D, Sriplienchan S, Pinyakorn S, Phanuphak N, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis is associated with HIV-1 neuroinvasion during acute infection. AIDS. 2024;38(3):373-8.

  15. Bavinton BR, Schmidt HA, Mills S, Phanuphak N. Improving preparedness for introducing and scaling up long-acting HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in Asia. Sex Health. 2024;21.

  16. Albalawi YA, Shull T, Virdi AK, Subra C, Mitchell J, Slike BM, Jian N, Krebs SJ, Sacdalan C, Ratnaratorn N, Hsu DC, Phanuphak N, et al. CD4 dim CD8 bright T cells are inversely associated with neuro-inflammatory markers among people with HIV. AIDS. 2024;38(1):1-7.


  1. Wietgrefe SW, Anderson J, Duan L, Southern PJ, Zuck P, Wu G, Howell BJ, Reilly C, Kroon E, Chottanapund S, Buranapraditkun S, Sacdalan C, Tulmethakaan N, Colby DJ, Chomchey N, Prueksakaew P, Pinyakorn S, Trichavaroj R, Mitchell JL, Trautmann L, Hsu DC, Vasan S, Manasnayakorn S, de Souza M, Tovanabutra S, Schuetz A, Robb ML, Phanuphak N, et al. Initial productive and latent HIV infections originate in vivo by infection of resting T cells. J Clin Invest. 2023.

  2. Wei F, Goodman MT, Xia N, Zhang J, Giuliano AR, D’Souza G, Hessol NA, Schim van der Loeff MF, Dai J, Neukam K, de Pokomandy A, Poynten IM, Geskus RB, Burgos J, Etienney I, Moscicki AB, Dona MG, Gillison ML, Nyitray AG, Nowak RG, Yunihastuti E, Zou H, Hidalgo-Tenorio C, Phanuphak N, et al. Incidence and Clearance of Anal Human Papillomavirus Infection in 16 164 Individuals, According to Human Immunodeficiency Virus Status, Sex, and Male Sexuality: An International Pooled Analysis of 34 Longitudinal Studies. Clin Infect Dis. 2023;76(3):e692-e701.

  3. Wang B, Janamnuaysook R, MacDonell K, Rongkavilit C, Schieber E, Naar S, Phanuphak N. Adapting Effective mHealth Interventions to Improve Uptake and Adherence to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Thai Young Men Who Have Sex With Men: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2023;12:e46435.

  4. Thammajaruk N, Ramautarsing RA, Hiransuthikul A, Suriwong S, Tasomboon W, Thapwong P, Phunkron A, Saiwaew S, Sangpasert T, Pankam T, Avery M, Mills S, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N. Pooled Pharyngeal, Rectal, and Urine Specimens for the Point-of-Care Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae by Lay Providers in Key Population-Led Health Services in Thailand. Pathogens. 2023;12(10).

  5. Takata H, Mitchell JL, Pacheco J, Pagliuzza A, Pinyakorn S, Buranapraditkun S, Sacdalan C, Leyre L, Nathanson S, Kakazu JC, Intasan J, Prueksakaew P, Chomchey N, Phanuphak N, et al. An active HIV reservoir during ART is associated with maintenance of HIV-specific CD8(+) T cell magnitude and short-lived differentiation status. Cell Host Microbe. 2023;31(9):1494-506 e4.

  6. Singtoroj T, Teeraananchai S, Chokephaibulkit K, Phanuphak N, Gatechompol S, Hansudewechakul R, et al. Factors associated with morbidity and mortality among sexually active Asian adolescents and young adults with perinatally acquired HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2023.

  7. Shubin Z, Stanfield-Oakley S, Puangkaew J, Pitisutthithum P, Nitayaphan S, Gurunathan S, Sinangil F, Chariyalertsak S, Phanuphak N, et al. Additional boosting to the RV144 vaccine regimen increased Fc-mediated effector functions magnitude but not durability. AIDS. 2023.

  8. Shangguan S, Ehrenberg PK, Geretz A, Butler L, Pinyakorn S, Sriplienchan S, Sacdalan C, Chomchey N, Phanuphak N, et al. HLA-B*57 and B*58 associate with predictors of reservoir size in an acutely treated HIV cohort. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2023.

  9. Schuetz A, Corley M, Sacdalan C, Phuang-Ngern Y, Nakpor T, Wansom T, Ehrenberg PK, Sriplienchan S, Thomas R, Ratnaratorn N, Sukhumvittaya S, Tragonlugsana N, Slike BM, Akapirat S, Pinyakorn S, Rerknimitr R, Pang AP, Kroon E, Teeratakulpisan N, Krebs SJ, Phanuphak N, et al. Distinct mucosal and systemic immunological characteristics in transgender women potentially relating to HIV acquisition. JCI Insight. 2023.

  10. Rennie S, Henderson G, Phanuphak N, Kuczynski K, Colby D, Ormsby N, et al. The Essential Need for Trust When Transmission Risk Cannot Be Eliminated in HIV-Remission Trials. Ethics Hum Res. 2023;45(4):2-15.

  11. Phanuphak N, Siriphan J, Kumpitak A, Suwanpattana N, Benjarattanaporn P. Humanise and demedicalise Undetectable=Untransmittable in Thailand. Sex Health. 2023;20(3):250-4.

  12. Phanuphak N, Phanuphak P. Can treatment-as-prevention and PrEP reduce HIV incidence? Lancet HIV. 2023;10(6):e355-e6.

  13. Ounchanum P, Achalapong J, Teeraananchai S, Gatechompol S, Phongsamart W, Chokephaibulkit K, Tran DNH, Dang HLD, Teeratakulpisarn N, Chalermchockcharoenkit A, Singtoroj T, Sohn AH, Phanuphak N. The effects of bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on high-risk anogenital HPV infection among sexually active female adolescents with and without perinatally acquired HIV. Sex Health.

  14. Marichannegowda MH, Zemil M, Wieczorek L, Sanders-Buell E, Bose M, O’Sullivan AM, King D, Francisco L, Diaz-Mendez F, Setua S, Chomont N, Phanuphak N, et al. Tracking coreceptor switch of the transmitted/founder HIV-1 identifies co-evolution of HIV-1 antigenicity, coreceptor usage and CD4 subset targeting. EBioMedicine. 2023;98:104867.

  15. Lujintanon S, Amatavete S, Photisan N, Suriwong S, Noopetch P, Shanthachol T, Shanthachol T, Leenasirimakul P, Meechure J, Sangtong S, Sittikarn S, Phoopisutthisak P, Avery M, Mills S, Phanuphak N, Ramautarsing RA. Differentiated service delivery for HIV treatment models in Thailand: A cross-sectional assessment of real-world implementation and uptake. Trop Med Int Health. 2023.

  16. Lujintanon S, Amatavete S, Leenasirimakul P, Meechure J, Noopetch P, Sangtong S, Sittikarn S, Phoopisutthisak P, Seekaew P, Mills S, Phanuphak P, Ramautarsing RA, Phanuphak N. Acceptability and retention of the key population-led HIV treatment service for men who have sex with men and transgender women living with HIV in Thailand. J Int AIDS Soc. 2023;26(2):e26062.

  17. Isaacson S, Kuczynski K, Ormsby N, Peay HL, Rennie S, Cadigan RJ, Kroon E, Phanuphak N, et al. Decision making for invasive and non-invasive optional procedures within an acute HIV research cohort in Bangkok. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2023;31:101054.

  18. Grimsrud A, Wilkinson L, Delany-Moretlwe S, Ehrenkranz P, Green K, Murenga M, Ngure K, Otwoma NJ, Phanuphak N, et al. The importance of the “how”: the case for differentiated service delivery of long-acting and extended delivery regimens for HIV prevention and treatment. J Int AIDS Soc. 2023;26 Suppl 2(Suppl 2):e26095.

  19. Gray J, Prestage G, Jin F, Phanuphak N, Friedman RK, Fairley CK, et al. Agreements, Behaviour, and Change: Sex Outside the Relationship in Male HIV-negative Partners in HIV Serodiscordant Relationships in Australia, Brazil, and Thailand. AIDS Behav. 2023.

  20. Geretz A, Ehrenberg PK, Clifford RJ, Laliberte A, Prelli Bozzo C, Eiser D, Kundu G, Yum LK, Apps R, Creegan M, Gunady M, Shangguan S, Sanders-Buell E, Sacdalan C, Phanuphak N, et al. Single-cell transcriptomics identifies prothymosin alpha restriction of HIV-1 in vivo. Sci Transl Med. 2023;15(707):eadg0873.

  21. Gantner P, Buranapraditkun S, Pagliuzza A, Dufour C, Pardons M, Mitchell JL, Kroon E, Sacdalan C, Tulmethakaan N, Pinyakorn S, Robb ML, Phanuphak N, et al. HIV rapidly targets a diverse pool of CD4(+) T cells to establish productive and latent infections. Immunity. 2023.

  22. Costanzo MC, Paquin-Proulx D, Schuetz A, Akapirat S, Shubin Z, Kim D, Wieczorek L, Polonis VR, Trinh HV, Rao M, Anenia H, Barrera MD, Boeckelman J, Nails B, Thapa P, Zemil M, Sacdalan C, Kroon E, Kaewboon B, Tipsuk S, Jongrakthaitae S, Gurunathan S, Sinangil F, Kim JH, Robb ML, Ake JA, O’Connell RJ, Pitisutthithum P, Nitayaphan S, Chariyalertsak S, Eller MA, Phanuphak N, Vasan S. ALVAC-HIV and AIDSVAX B/E vaccination induce improved immune responses compared with AIDSVAX B/E vaccination alone. JCI Insight. 2023;8(9).

  23. Choi JY, Poonkasetwattana M, Phanuphak N. Overcoming challenges across the HIV care continuum in the Asia-Pacific region: expert recommendations. BMJ Glob Health. 2023;8(7).

  24. Chinbunchorn T, Thaneerat N, Howell S, Sowaprux T, Phiphatkunarnon P, Lujintanon S, Kaewpoowat Q, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N, Ramautarsing RA. Assessment of U=U understanding, PrEP awareness, HIV risk behaviours and factors associated with low HIV knowledge among users of Hornet, an online dating application for LGBTQ, in Thailand. Sex Transm Infect. 2023;99(1):21-9.

  25. Chevaisrakul P, Lumjiaktase P, Kietdumrongwong P, Chuatrisorn I, Chatsangjaroen P, Phanuphak N. Hybrid and herd immunity 6 months after SARS-CoV-2 exposure among individuals from a community treatment program. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):763.

  26. Chan P, Yoon B, Colby D, Kroon E, Sacdalan C, Sriplienchan S, Pinyakorn S, Ananworanich J, Valcour V, Vasan S, Hsu D, Phanuphak N, et al. Immunological, Cognitive, and Psychiatric Outcomes After Initiating Efavirenz- and Dolutegravir-based Antiretroviral Therapy During Acute Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2023;76(3):e718-e26.

  27. Chan P, Moreland S, Sacdalan C, Kroon E, Colby D, Sriplienchan S, Pinyakorn S, Phanuphak N, et al. Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis is associated with HIV-1 neuroinvasion during acute infection. AIDS. 2023.

  28. Bolzenius J, Sacdalan C, Ndhlovu LC, Sailasuta N, Trautmann L, Tipsuk S, Crowell TA, Suttichom D, Colby DJ, Phanuphak N, et al. Brain volumetrics differ by fiebig stage in acute HIV infection. AIDS. 2023.


  1. van Griensven F, Phanuphak N, Manopaiboon C, Dunne EF, Colby DJ, Chaiphosri P, et al. HIV prevalence and incidence among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Bangkok, 2014-2018: Outcomes of a consensus development initiative. PLoS One. 2022;17(1):e0262694.

  2. Thitipatarakorn S, Chinbunchorn T, Peelay J, Seekaew P, Amatavete S, Sangsai M, Pankam T, Avihingsanon A, Avery M, Phanuphak P, Ramautarsing R, Phanuphak N. Prevalence and the associated factors of hepatitis B and hepatitis C viral infections among HIV-positive individuals in same-day antiretroviral therapy initiation program in Bangkok, Thailand. BMC Public Health. 2022;22(1):144.

  3. Takata H, Kakazu JC, Mitchell JL, Kroon E, Colby DJ, Sacdalan C, Bai H, Ehrenberg PK, Geretz A, Buranapraditkun S, Pinyakorn S, Intasan J, Tipsuk S, Suttichom D, Prueksakaew P, Chalermchai T, Chomchey N, Phanuphak N, et al. Long-term antiretroviral therapy initiated in acute HIV infection prevents residual dysfunction of HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells. EBioMedicine. 2022;84:104253.

  4. Poteat T, Phanuphak N, Grinsztejn B, Reisner SL. Improving the HIV response for transgender populations: evidence to inform action. J Int AIDS Soc. 2022;25 Suppl 5:e25993.

  5. Pengnonyang S, Ramautarsing RA, Janyam S, Chaisalee T, Chanlearn P, Vannakit R, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N. Certification of lay providers to deliver key population-led HIV services in Thailand’s National Healthcare System: lessons learned. J Int AIDS Soc. 2022;25(7):e25965.

  6. Peay HL, Rennie S, Cadigan RJ, Gwaltney A, Jupimai T, Phanuphak N, et al. Attitudes About Analytic Treatment Interruption (ATI) in HIV Remission Trials with Different Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Resumption Criteria. AIDS Behav. 2022.

  7. Paul R, Cho K, Bolzenius J, Sacdalan C, Ndhlovu LC, Trautmann L, Krebs S, Tipsuk S, Crowell TA, Suttichom D, Colby DJ, Premeaux TA, Phanuphak N, et al. Individual Differences in CD4/CD8 T-Cell Ratio Trajectories and Associated Risk Profiles Modeled From Acute HIV Infection. Psychosom Med. 2022;84(8):976-83.

  8. Nitpolprasert C, Anand T, Phanuphak N, Reiss P, Ananworanich J, Peay HL. A qualitative study of the impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on psychological and financial wellbeing and engagement in care among men who have sex with men living with HIV in Thailand. HIV Med. 2022;23(3):227-36.

  9. Moallef S, Salway T, Phanuphak N, Kivioja K, Pongruengphant S, Hayashi K. The relationship between sexual and gender stigma and suicide attempt and ideation among LGBTQI + populations in Thailand: findings from a national survey. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2022.

  10. Mitchell JL, Pollara J, Dietze K, Edwards RW, Nohara J, N’Guessan KF, Zemil M, Buranapraditkun S, Takata H, Li Y, Muir R, Kroon E, Pinyakorn S, Jha S, Manasnayakorn S, Chottanapund S, Thantiworasit P, Prueksakaew P, Ratnaratorn N, Nuntapinit B, Fox L, Tovanabutra S, Paquin-Proulx D, Wieczorek L, Polonis VR, Maldarelli F, Haddad EK, Phanuphak P, Sacdalan CP, Rolland M, Phanuphak N, et al. Anti-HIV antibody development up to 1 year after antiretroviral therapy initiation in acute HIV infection. J Clin Invest. 2022;132(1).

  11. Mdluli T, Li Y, Pinyakorn S, Reeves DB, Cardozo-Ojeda EF, Yates A, Intasan J, Tipsuk S, Phanuphak N, et al. Acute HIV-1 infection viremia associate with rebound upon treatment interruption. Med (N Y). 2022.

  12. Mayer KH, Phanuphak N, Mgodi N, Grinsztejn B. New HIV prevention approaches: promise, praxis, and pitfalls. Lancet. 2022;400(10348):257-9.

  13. MacDonell KK, Wang B, Phanuphak N, Janamnuaysook R, Srimanus P, Rongkavilit C, et al. Optimizing an mHealth Intervention to Improve Uptake and Adherence to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis in Young Transgender Women: Protocol for a Multi-Phase Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022;11(5):e37659.

  14. Lujintanon S, Amatavete S, Thitipatarakorn S, Puthanakit T, Songtaweesin WN, Chaisalee T, Janyam S, Phanuphak N, Ramautarsing RA. Key population-led community-based same-day antiretroviral therapy (CB-SDART) initiation hub in Bangkok, Thailand: a protocol for a hybrid type 3 implementation trial. Implement Sci Commun. 2022;3(1):101.

  15. Li Y, Merbah M, Wollen-Roberts S, Beckman B, Mdluli T, Swafford I, Mayer SV, King J, Corbitt C, Currier JR, Liu H, Esber A, Pinyakorn S, Parikh A, Francisco LV, Phanuphak N, et al. Coronavirus Antibody Responses before COVID-19 Pandemic, Africa and Thailand. Emerg Infect Dis. 2022;28(11).

  16. Li SS, Hickey A, Shangguan S, Ehrenberg PK, Geretz A, Butler L, Kundu G, Apps R, Creegan M, Clifford RJ, Pinyakorn S, Eller LA, Luechai P, Gilbert PB, Holtz TH, Chitwarakorn A, Sacdalan C, Kroon E, Phanuphak N, et al. HLA-B *46 associates with rapid HIV disease progression in Asian cohorts and prominent differences in NK cell phenotype. Cell Host Microbe. 2022;30(8):1173-85 e8.

  17. Kroon E, Chottanapund S, Buranapraditkun S, Sacdalan C, Colby DJ, Chomchey N, Prueksakaew P, Pinyakorn S, Trichavaroj R, Vasan S, Manasnayakorn S, Reilly C, Helgeson E, Anderson J, David C, Zulk J, de Souza M, Tovanabutra S, Schuetz A, Robb ML, Douek DC, Phanuphak N, et al. Paradoxically greater persistence of HIV RNA+ cells in lymphoid tissue when ART is initiated in the earliest stage of infection. J Infect Dis. 2022.

  18. Kityo C, Cortes CP, Phanuphak N, Grinsztejn B, Venter F. Barriers to Uptake of Long-Acting Antiretroviral Products for Treatment and Prevention of HIV in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). Clin Infect Dis. 2022;75(Supplement_4):S549-S56.

  19. Kawichai S, Songtaweesin WN, Wongharn P, Phanuphak N, Cressey TR, Moonwong J, et al. A Mobile Phone App to Support Adherence to Daily HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Engagement Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women Aged 15 to 19 Years in Thailand: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2022;10(4):e25561.

  20. Kaewpoowat Q, Chariyalertsak S, Phanuphak N, Ramautarsing RA. Long-acting preexposure prophylaxis in low- and middle-income countries: key considerations for implementation. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2022;17(3):135-44.

  21. Isbell M, Bekker LG, Grinsztejn B, Kates J, Kamarulzaman A, Lewin SR, Ngure K, Phanuphak N, Pozniak A, Grimsrud A. Lessons for the HIV response from structural innovations catalysed by COVID- BMJ Glob Health. 2022;7(11).

  22. Idoko JA, Grinsztejn B, Phanuphak N. The path to equitable HIV prevention. Commun Med (Lond). 2022;2(1):161.

  23. Hung CC, Banerjee S, Gilada I, Green K, Inoue Y, Kamarulzaman A, Leyritana K, Phanuphak N, et al. Impact of COVID-19 on the HIV care continuum in Asia: Insights from people living with HIV, key populations, and HIV healthcare providers. PLoS One. 2022;17(7):e0270831.

  24. Hiransuthikul A, Janamnuaysook R, Getwongsa P, Peelay J, Samitpol K, Amatsombat T, Chumnanwet P, Chancham A, Kongkapan J, Rueannak J, Himma L, Srimanus P, Teeratakulpisarn N, Avery M, Wansom T, Mills S, Ramautarsing RA, Phanuphak N. Estradiol and Testosterone Concentrations Among Thai Transgender Women in a Transgender-Led, Integrated Gender-Affirming Care and Sexual Health Clinic: A Real-World Analysis. Transgend Health. 2022;7(6):539-47.

  25. Goh OQ, Kroon E, Sacdalan C, Chan P, Crowell TA, Kanaprach R, Ananworanich J, Vasan S, Wu AW, Phanuphak N, Colby DJ. Persons living with HIV treated in acute HIV infection report good health-related quality of life in Thailand. AIDS Care. 2022;34(8):949-56.

  26. Geng EH, Nash D, Phanuphak N, Green K, Solomon S, Grimsrud A, et al. The question of the question: impactful implementation science to address the HIV epidemic. J Int AIDS Soc. 2022;25(4):e25898.

  27. Fletcher CV, Kroon E, Schacker T, Pinyakorn S, Chomont N, Chottanapund S, Prueksakaew P, Benjapornpong K, Buranapraditkun S, Phanuphak N, et al. Persistent HIV transcription and Variable ARV penetration in lymph nodes during plasma viral suppression. AIDS. 2022.

  28. Coleman E, Radix AE, Bouman WP, Brown GR, de Vries ALC, Deutsch MB, … Phanuphak N, et al. Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8. Int J Transgend Health. 2022;23(Suppl 1):S1-S259.

  29. Ara Jo-Pereira M, Sheikh V, Sereti I, Barreto-Duarte B, Arriaga MIB, Tib Rcio R, Vinhaes CL, Pinto-de-Almeida M, Wang J, Rupert A, Roby G, Shaffer D, Ananworanich J, Phanuphak N, Sawe F, Andrade BB. Association between severe anaemia and inflammation, risk of IRIS and death in persons with HIV: A multinational cohort study. EBioMedicine. 2022;85:104309.


  1. Wei F, Gaisa MM, D’Souza G, et al. Epidemiology of anal human papillomavirus infection and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions in 29 900 men according to HIV status, sexuality, and age: a collaborative pooled analysis of 64 studies. Lancet HIV. 2021.
  2. Vinhaes CL, Sheikh V, de-Souza DO, et al. An inflammatory composite score predicts mycobacterial IRIS in people with HIV and severe lymphopenia: A prospective international cohort study. J Infect Dis. 2021;223(7):1275-83.
  3. van Griensven F, de Lind van Wijngaarden JW, Eustaquio PC, et al. The continuing HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men and transgender women in the ASEAN region: implications for HIV policy and service programming. Sex Health. 2021;18(1):21-30.
  4. van Griensven F, Janamnuaysook R, Nampaisan O, et al. Uptake of Primary Care Services and HIV and Syphilis Infection among Transgender Women attending the Tangerine Community Health Clinic, Bangkok, Thailand, 2016 – 2019. J Int AIDS Soc. 2021;24(6):e25683.
  5. Uaamnuichai S, Panyakhamlerd K, Suwan A, et al. Neovaginal and anal high-risk human papillomavirus DNA among Thai transgender women in gender-health clinics. Sex Transm Dis. 2021.
  6. Songtaweesin WN, LeGrand S, Bandara S, et al. Adaptation of a Theory-Based Social Networking and Gamified App-Based Intervention to Improve Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Adherence Among Young Men Who Have Sex With Men in Bangkok, Thailand: Qualitative Study. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(11):e23852.
  7. Sohn AH, Chalermchockcharoenkit A, Teeraananchai S, et al. Increased Burden of Concordant and Sequential Anogenital Human Papillomavirus Infections Among Asian Young Adult Women With Perinatally Acquired HIV Compared With HIV-Negative Peers. Sex Transm Dis. 2021;48(3):200-5.
  8. Sirivichayakul S, Pankam T, Pattanachaiwit S, et al. Ability of Alere HIV Combo to diagnose acute HIV infection is based mainly on HIV-1 p24 antigen detection. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol. 2021.
  9. Paquin-Proulx D, Lal KG, Phuang-Ngern Y, et al. Preferential and persistent impact of acute HIV-1 infection on CD4(+) iNKT cells in colonic mucosa. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021;118(46).
  10. Nitpolprasert C, Anand T, Phanuphak N, Reiss P, Ananworanich J, Peay HL. A qualitative study of the impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on psychological and financial wellbeing and engagement in care among men who have sex with men living with HIV in Thailand. HIV Med. 2021.
  11. Mukherjee S, Colby D, Ramautarsing R, et al. Expanding reimbursement of immediate treatment using direct acting antivirals to reduce hepatitis C incidence among HIV positive men who have sex with men in Bangkok, Thailand: A cost effectiveness modelling study. J Virus Erad. 2021;7(2):100042.
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  13. Muccini C, Crowell TA, Pinyakorn S, et al. Brief Report: Syphilis Incidence and Effect on Viral Load, CD4, and CD4/CD8 Ratio in a Thai Cohort of Predominantly Men Who Have Sex With Men Living With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021;86(2):219-23.
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  22. Hellmuth J, Muccini C, Colby DJ, et al. Central Nervous System Safety During Brief Analytic Treatment Interruption of Antiretroviral Therapy Within 4 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Remission Trials: An Observational Study in Acutely Treated People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2021;73(7):e1885-e92.
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  3. Wattanachanya L, Jantrapakde J, Avihingsanon A, Ramautarsing R, Kerr S, Trachunthong D, Pussadee K, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jadwattanakul T, Chaiwatanarat T, Buranasupkajorn P, Phanuphak N, et al. Antiretroviral-naive HIV-infected patients had lower bone formation markers than HIV-uninfected adults. AIDS Care. 2020;32(8):984-93.
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  5. Vinhaes CL, Sheikh V, de-Souza DO, Wang J, Rupert A, Roby G, Arriaga MB, Fukutani KF, Sawe F, Shaffer D, Ananworanich J, Phanuphak N, et al. An inflammatory composite score predicts mycobacterial IRIS in people with HIV and severe lymphopenia: A prospective international cohort study. J Infect Dis. 2020.
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  7. Vannakit R, Janyam S, Linjongrat D, Chanlearn P, Sittikarn S, Pengnonyang S, Janamnuaysook R, Termvanich K, Ramautarsing R, Phanuphak N, Phanuphak P. Give the community the tools and they will help finish the job: key population-led health services for ending AIDS in Thailand. J Int AIDS Soc 2020; 23(6): e25535.
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  9. Tokarev A, McKinnon LR, Pagliuzza A, Sivro A, Omole TE, Kroon E, Chomchey N, Phanuphak N, et al. Preferential infection of alpha4beta7+ memory CD4+ T cells during early acute HIV-1 infection. Clin Infect Dis 2020.
  10. Sricharoenchai S, Kerr SJ, Gatechompol S, Hansudewechakul R, Dang HLD, Tran DNH, Teeratakulpisarn N, Chalermchockcharoenkit A, Achalapong J, Teeraananchai S, Singtoroj T, Phanuphak N, Sohn AH, Chokephaibulkit K. Prevalence of High-risk Nonavalent Vaccine-type Human Papillomavirus Infection Among Unvaccinated, Sexually Active Asian Female Adolescents With and Without Perinatally Acquired HIV Infection. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2020.
  11. Sortino O, Phanuphak N, Schuetz A, Ortiz AM, Chomchey N, Belkaid Y, et al. Corrigendum to: Impact of Acute HIV Infection and Early Antiretroviral Therapy on the Human Gut Microbiome. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2020;7(9):ofaa381.
  12. Songtaweesin WN, Kawichai S, Phanuphak N, et al. Youth-friendly services and a mobile phone application to promote adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis among adolescent men who have sex with men and transgender women at-risk for HIV in Thailand: a randomized control trial. J Int AIDS Soc. 2020;23 Suppl 5:e25564.
  13. Sohn AH, Phanuphak N, Baral S, Kamarulzaman A. Know your epidemic, know your response: understanding and responding to the heterogeneity of the COVID-19 epidemics across Southeast Asia. J Int AIDS Soc 2020; 23(7): e25557.
  14. Sohn AH, Chalermchockcharoenkit A, Teeraananchai S, Hansudewechakul R, Gatechompol S, Chokephaibulkit K, Dang HLD, Tran DNH, Achalapong J, Teeratakulpisarn N, Thamkhantho M, Phanuphak N, et al. Increased burden of concordant and sequential anogenital human papillomavirus infections among Asian young adult females with perinatally acquired HIV compared to HIV-negative peers. Sex Transm Dis. 2020.
  15. Sereti I, Sheikh V, Shaffer D, Phanuphak N, et al. Prospective International Study of Incidence and Predictors of Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome and Death in People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Severe Lymphopenia. Clin Infect Dis. 2020;71(3):652-60.
  16. Ramautarsing RA, Meksena R, Sungsing T, Chinbunchorn T, Sangprasert T, Fungfoosri O, Meekrua D, Sumalu S, Pasansai T, Bunainso W, Wongsri T, Mainoy N, Colby D, Avery M, Mills S, Vannakit R, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N. Evaluation of a pre-exposure prophylaxis programme for men who have sex with men and transgender women in Thailand: learning through the HIV prevention cascade lens. J Int AIDS Soc 2020; 23 Suppl 3: e25540.
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  18. Phanuphak N, Ramautarsing R, Chinbunchorn T, et al. Implementing a Status-Neutral Approach to HIV in the Asia-Pacific. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep 2020;
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  21. Peluso MJ, Colby DJ, Pinyakorn S, Ubolyam S, Intasan J, Trichavaroj R, Chomchey N, Prueksakaew P, Slike BM, Krebs SJ, Jian N, Robb ML, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N, et al. Liver function test abnormalities in a longitudinal cohort of Thai individuals treated since acute HIV infection. J Int AIDS Soc 2020; 23(1): e25444.
  22. Mitchell JL, Takata H, Muir R, Colby DJ, Kroon E, Crowell TA, Sacdalan C, Pinyakorn S, Pattamaswin S, Benjapornpong K, Trichavaroj R, Tressler RL, Fox L, Polonis VR, Bolton DL, Maldarelli F, Lewin SR, Haddad EK, Phanuphak P, Robb ML, Michael NL, de Souza M, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, Trautmann L. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells sense HIV replication before detectable viremia following treatment interruption. J Clin Invest 2020.
  23. Leyre L, Kroon E, Vandergeeten C, Sacdalan C, Colby DJ, Buranapraditkun S, Schuetz A, Chomchey N, de Souza M, Bakeman W, Fromentin R, Pinyakorn S, Akapirat S, Trichavaroj R, Chottanapund S, Manasnayakorn S, Rerknimitr R, Wattanaboonyoungcharoen P, Kim JH, Tovanabutra S, Schacker TW, O’Connell R, Valcour VG, Phanuphak P, Robb ML, Michael N, Trautmann L, Phanuphak N, et al. Abundant HIV-infected cells in blood and tissues are rapidly cleared upon ART initiation during acute HIV infection. Sci Transl Med 2020; 12(533).
  24. Hiransuthikul A, Himmad L, Kerr SJ, Janamnuaysook R, Dalodom T, Phanjaroen K, Pankam T, Kongkapan J, Mills S, Vannakit R, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N. Drug-drug interactions among Thai HIV-positive transgender women undergoing feminizing hormone therapy and antiretroviral therapy: the iFACT study. Clin Infect Dis 2020.
  25. Hellmuth J, Muccini C, Colby DJ, Kroon E, de Souza M, Crowell TA, Chan P, Sacdalan C, Intasan J, Benjapornpong K, Tipsuk S, Puttamaswin S, Chomchey N, Valcour V, Sarnecki M, Tomaka F, Krebs SJ, Slike BM, Jagodzinski LL, Dumrongpisutikul N, Sailasuta N, Samboju V, Michael NL, Robb ML, Vasan S, Ananworanich J, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N, et al. Central nervous system safety during brief analytic treatment interruption of antiretroviral therapy within four HIV remission trials: an observational study in acutely treated people living with HIV. Clin Infect Dis. 2020.
  26. Handoko R, Colby DJ, Kroon E, Sacdalan C, de Souza M, Pinyakorn S, Prueksakaew P, Munkong C, Ubolyam S, Akapirat S, Chiarella J, Krebs S, Sereti I, Valcour V, Paul R, Michael NL, Phanuphak N, et al. Determinants of suboptimal CD4(+) T cell recovery after antiretroviral therapy initiation in a prospective cohort of acute HIV-1 infection. J Int AIDS Soc. 2020;23(9):e25585.
  27. Han WM, Wattanachanya L, Apornpong T, Jantrapakde J, Avihingsanon A, Kerr SJ, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jadwattanakul T, Chaiwatanarat T, Buranasupkajorn P, Ramautarsing R, Phanuphak N, et al. Bone mineral density changes among people living with HIV who have started with TDF-containing regimen: A five-year prospective study. PLoS One 2020; 15(3): e0230368.
  28. Han WM, Colby DJ, Khlaiphuengsin A, Apornpong T, Kerr SJ, Ubolyam S, Kroon E, Phanuphak N, et al. Large transmission cluster of acute hepatitis C identified among HIV-positive men who have sex with men in Bangkok, Thailand. Liver Int 2020.
  29. Gatechompol S, Teeratakulpisarn N, Wittawatmongkol O, Teeraananchai S, Kerr SJ, Chalermchockcharoenkit A, Thamkhantho M, Singtoroj T, Phanuphak N, et al. Incidence, persistence, and factors associated with HPV infection among male adolescents with and without perinatally acquired HIV infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020.
  30. Crowell TA, Pinyakorn S, Sacdalan C, Kroon E, Colby DJ, Puttamaswin S, Ubolyam S, Trichavaroj R, Butterworth O, Turk E, McCullough C, Chomont N, de Souza M, Robb ML, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J. Viral Blips After Treatment Initiation During Acute Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Clin Infect Dis 2020; 70(12): 2706-9.
  31. Colby DJ, Sarnecki M, Barouch DH, Tipsuk S, Stieh DJ, Kroon E, Schuetz A, Intasan J, Sacdalan C, Pinyakorn S, Grandin P, Song H, Tovanabutra S, Shubin Z, Kim D, Paquin-Proulx D, Eller MA, Thomas R, de Souza M, Wieczorek L, Polonis VR, Pagliuzza A, Chomont N, Peter L, Nkolola JP, Vingerhoets J, Truyers C, Pau MG, Schuitemaker H, Phanuphak N, et al. Safety and immunogenicity of Ad26 and MVA vaccines in acutely treated HIV and effect on viral rebound after antiretroviral therapy interruption. Nat Med 2020.
  32. Chintanaphol M, Sacdalan C, Pinyakorn S, Rerknimitr R, Ridtitid W, Prueksapanich P, Sereti I, Schuetz A, Crowell TA, Colby DJ, Robb ML, Phanuphak N, et al. Feasibility and safety of research sigmoid colon biopsy in a cohort of Thai men who have sex with men with acute HIV-1. J Virus Erad 2020; 6(1): 7-10.
  33. Cale EM, Bai H, Bose M, Messina MA, Colby D, Sanders-Buell E, Dearlove BL, Li Y, Engeman E, Silas D, O’Sullivan AM, Mann B, Pinyakorn S, Intasan J, Benjapornpong K, Sacdalan C, Kroon E, Phanuphak N, et al. Neutralizing antibody VRC01 failed to select for HIV-1 mutations upon viral rebound. J Clin Invest 2020.
  34. Baral SD, Mishra S, Diouf D, Phanuphak N, Dowdy D. The public health response to COVID-19: balancing precaution and unintended consequences. Ann Epidemiol 2020; 46: 12-3.
  35. Anand T, Nitpolprasert C, Jantarapakde J, Meksena R, Phomthong S, Phoseeta P, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N. Implementation and impact of a technology-based HIV risk-reduction intervention among Thai men who have sex with men using “Vialogues”: a randomized controlled trial. AIDS Care 2020; 32(3): 394-405.
  36. Abdool Karim Q, Havlir D, Phanuphak N. Putting women in the centre of the global HIV response is key to achieving epidemic control! J Int AIDS Soc 2020; 23(3): e25473.
  37. Kroon EDMB, Ananworanich J, Pagliuzza A, Rhodes A, Phanuphak N, Trautmann L, Mitchell JL, Chintanaphol M, Intasan J, Pinyakorn S, Benjapornpong K, Chang JJ, Colby DJ, Chomchey N, Fletcher JLK, Eubanks K, Yang H, Kapson J, Dantanarayana A, Tennakoon S, Gorelick RJ, Maldarelli F, Robb ML, Kim JH, Spudich S, Chomont N, Phanuphak P, Lewin SR, de Souza MS. A randomized trial of vorinostat with treatment interruption after initiating antiretroviral therapy during acute HIV-1 infection. Journal of Virus Eradication. 2020;6(3):100004. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jve.2020.100004.
  38. Henderson GE, Rennie S, Corneli A, Meagher K, Cadigan RJ, Kroon E, Ananworanich J, Peay HL. Parallel but connected: Nuances of conducting behavioral and social science research alongside ethically challenging HIV remission trials. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2020 Jun 16;19:100594. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2020.100594. PMID: 32617433; PMCID: PMC7322675.
  39. Chan P, Goh O, Kroon E, Colby D, Sacdalan C, Pinyakorn S, Prueksakaew P, Reiss P, Ananworanich J, Valcour V, Spudich S, Paul R. Neuropsychiatric outcomes before and after switching to dolutegravir-based therapy in an acute HIV cohort. AIDS research and therapy. 2020;17(1):1. Epub 2020/01/08. doi: 10.1186/s12981-019-0257-8. PubMed PMID: 31907064.


  1. Phanuphak N, Seekaew P, Phanuphak P. Optimising treatment in the test-and-treat strategy: what are we waiting for? Lancet HIV 2019.
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  12. Kallianpur KJ, Jahanshad N, Sailasuta N, Benjapornpong K, Chan P, Pothisri M, Dumrongpisutikul N, Laws E, Ndhlovu LC, Clifford KM, Paul R, Jagodzinski L, Krebs S, Ananworanich J, Spudich S, Valcour V. Regional brain volumetric changes despite two years of treatment initiated during acute HIV infection. AIDS (London, England). 2019. Epub 2019/11/15. doi: 10.1097/qad.0000000000002436. PubMed PMID: 31725432.
  13. Chan P, Dumrongpisutikul N, Subra C, Colby DJ, Kroon E, Fletcher J, Sacdalan C, Phanuphak N, Valcour V, Ananworanich J, Trautmann L, Spudich S. Neurosyphilis During Acute HIV Infection: A CNS Immunologic and Virologic Characterization. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019 Oct 1;82(2):e34-e37. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000002114. PMID: 31180994.
  14. Muccini C, Crowell TA, Kroon E, Sacdalan C, Ramautarsing R, Seekaew P, Phanuphak P, Ananworanich J, Colby DJ, Phanuphak N. Leveraging early HIV diagnosis and treatment in Thailand to conduct HIV cure research. AIDS research and therapy. 2019;16(1):25. Epub 2019/09/08. doi: 10.1186/s12981-019-0240-4. PubMed PMID: 31492161.
  15. Tovanabutra S, Sirijatuphat R, Pham PT, Bonar L, Harbolick EA, Bose M, Song H, Chang D, Oropeza C, O’Sullivan AM, Balinang J, Kroon E, Colby DJ, Sacdalan C, Hellmuth J, Chan P, Prueksakaew P, Pinyakorn S, Jagodzinski LL, Sutthichom D, Pattamaswin S, de Souza M, Gramzinski RA, Kim JH, Michael NL, Robb ML, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, Valcour V, Kijak GH, Sanders-Buell E, Spudich S. Deep Sequencing Reveals Central Nervous System Compartmentalization in Multiple Transmitted/Founder Virus Acute HIV-1 Infection. Cells. 2019;8(8). Epub 2019/08/25. doi: 10.3390/cells8080902. PubMed PMID: 31443253.
  16. Niu Q, Liu Z, Alamer E, Fan X, Chen H, Endsley J, Gelman BB, Tian B, Kim JH, Michael NL, Robb ML, Ananworanich J, Zhou J, Hu H. Structure-guided drug design identifies a BRD4-selective small molecule that suppresses HIV. The Journal of clinical investigation. 2019;129(8):3361-73. Epub 2019/07/23. doi: 10.1172/jci120633. PubMed PMID: 31329163; PMCID: PMC6668673.
  17. Goh OQ, Colby DJ, Pinyakorn S, Sacdalan C, Kroon E, Chan P, Chomchey N, Kanaprach R, Prueksakaew P, Suttichom D, Trichavaroj R, Spudich S, Robb ML, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, on behalf of RV254/SEARCH 010 Study Group. Switch to dolutegravir is well tolerated in Thais with HIV infection. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2019;22(7):e25324. Epub 2019/07/12. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25324. PubMed PMID: 31294931; PMCID: PMC6621926.
  18. Manak MM, Jagodzinski LL, Shutt A, Malia JA, Leos M, Ouellette J, Akapirat S, Colby DL, Phanuphak N, Eller LA, Robb ML, de Souza M, Ananworanich J, Peel SA, on behalf of the RV254/SEARCH010 and the RV217 Study Teams. Decreased seroreactivity in individuals initiating antiretroviral therapy during acute HIV infection. Journal of clinical microbiology. 2019. Epub 2019/06/21. doi: 10.1128/jcm.00757-19. PubMed PMID: 31217270.
  19. Chan P, Ananworanich J. Perspective on potential impact of HIV CNS latency on eradication. Aids. 2019. Epub 2019/05/16. doi: 10.1097/qad.0000000000002264. PubMed PMID: 31090545.
  20. Crowell TA, Colby DJ, Pinyakorn S, Sacdalan C, Pagliuzza A, Intasan J, Benjapornpong K, Tangnaree K, Chomchey N, Kroon E, de Souza MS, Tovanabutra S, Rolland M, Eller MA, Paquin-Proulx D, Bolton DL, Tokarev A, Thomas R, Takata H, Trautmann L, Krebs SJ, Modjarrad K, McDermott AB, Bailer RT, Doria-Rose N, Patel B, Gorelick RJ, Fullmer BA, Schuetz A, Grandin PV, O’Connell RJ, Ledgerwood JE, Graham BS, Tressler R, Mascola JR, Chomont N, Michael NL, Robb ML, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J. Safety and efficacy of VRC01 broadly neutralising antibodies in adults with acutely treated HIV (RV397): a phase 2, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The lancet HIV. 2019;6(5):e297-e306. Epub 2019/04/20. doi: 10.1016/s2352-3018(19)30053-0. PubMed PMID: 31000477; PMCID: PMC6693657.
  21. Jagodzinski LL, Manak MM, Hack HR, Liu Y, Malia JA, Freeman J, Phanuphak N, de Souza M, Kroon ED, Colby DJ, Chomchey N, Lally LA, Michael NL, Ananworanich J, Peel SA, on behalf of the RV254 SEARCH010 Study Team. Impact of early antiretroviral therapy on detection of cell-associated HIV-1 nucleic acid in blood by the Roche COBAS TaqMan Test. J Clin Microbiol. 2019 Apr 26;57(5). pii: e01922-18. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01922-18. Print 2019 May. PMID: 30842229.  
  22. Henderson GE, Waltz M, Meagher K, Cadigan RJ, Jupimai T, Isaacson S, Ormsby NQ, Colby DJ, Kroon E, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, Peay HL. Going off antiretroviral treatment in a closely monitored HIV “cure” trial: longitudinal assessments of acutely diagnosed trial participants and decliners. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2019;22(3):e25260. Epub 2019/03/15. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25260. PubMed PMID: 30869203; PMCID: PMC6416664.
  23. Hellmuth J, Slike BM, Sacdalan C, Best J, Kroon E, Phanuphak N, Fletcher JLK, Prueksakaew P, Jagodzinski LL, Valcour V, Robb M, Ananworanich J, Allen IE, Krebs SJ, Spudich S; SEARCH 010/RV254 and SEARCH013/RV304 Study Groups. Very early ART initiation during acute HIV infection is associated with normalization of cerebrospinal fluid but not plasma markers of immune activation. J Infect Dis. 2019 Jan 21. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiz030. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30668739.


  1. Zablotska IB, Baeten JM, Phanuphak N, McCormack S, Ong J. Getting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to the people: opportunities, challenges and examples of successful health service models of PrEP implementation. Sex Health 2018; 15(6): 481-4.
  2. Wongkanya R, Pankam T, Wolf S, et al. HIV rapid diagnostic testing by lay providers in a key population-led health service programme in Thailand. J Virus Erad 2018; 4(1): 12-5.
  3. Somia IKA, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jeo WS, et al. Prevalence of and risk factors for anal high-risk HPV among HIV-negative and HIV-positive MSM and transgender women in three countries at South-East Asia. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018; 97(10): e9898.
  4. Sohn AH, Kerr SJ, Hansudewechakul R, et al. Risk Factors for Human Papillomavirus Infection and Abnormal Cervical Cytology Among Perinatally Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected and Uninfected Asian Youth. Clin Infect Dis 2018; 67(4): 606-13.
  5. Seekaew P, Pengnonyang S, Jantarapakde J, et al. Characteristics and HIV epidemiologic profiles of men who have sex with men and transgender women in key population-led test and treat cohorts in Thailand. PLoS One 2018; 13(8): e0203294.
  6. Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N. Socioeconomic empowerment in an acute HIV cohort. Lancet HIV 2018; 5(1): e5-e6.
  7. Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N. Time for action on methamphetamine use and HIV. Lancet HIV 2018; 5(7): e339-e40.
  8. Phanuphak N, Sungsing T, Jantarapakde J, et al. Princess PrEP program: the first key population-led model to deliver pre-exposure prophylaxis to key populations by key populations in Thailand. Sex Health 2018; 15(6): 542-55.
  9. Phanuphak N, Phanuphak P. Time to focus more on condomless anal sex in non-PrEP users. Lancet HIV 2018; 5(8): e410-e1.
  10. Phanuphak N, Pattanachaiwit S, Pankam T, et al. Sexually transmitted infections and HIV RNA levels in blood and anogenital compartments among Thai men who have sex with men before and after antiretroviral therapy: implication for Treatment as Prevention programme. J Int AIDS Soc 2018; 21(9): e25186.
  11. Phanuphak N, Anand T, Jantarapakde J, et al. What would you choose: Online or Offline or Mixed services? Feasibility of online HIV counselling and testing among Thai men who have sex with men and transgender women and factors associated with service uptake. J Int AIDS Soc 2018; 21 Suppl 5: e25118.
  12. Pankam T, Saensiriphan S, Areeyolwattana S, et al. The validation and evaluation of anti-HIV testing algorithm used in mobile clinic setting for men who have sex with men in metropolitan Bangkok, Thailand. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2018; 36(1): 42-50.
  13. Hiransuthikul A, Wongkanya R, Sirivichayakul S, et al. Short Communication: Discordance in Drug Resistance Mutations Between Blood Plasma and Semen or Rectal Secretions Among Newly Diagnosed HIV-1-Infected Thai Men Who Have Sex with Men. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2018; 34(7): 626-8.
  14. Bavinton BR, Pinto AN, Phanuphak N, et al. Viral suppression and HIV transmission in serodiscordant male couples: an international, prospective, observational, cohort study. Lancet HIV 2018; 5(8): e438-e47.
  15. Corneli A, Meagher K, Henderson G, Peay H, Rennie S. How Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials Incorporate Behavioral and Social Sciences Research: A Typology of Approaches. AIDS and behavior. 2018. Epub 2018/12/12. doi: 10.1007/s10461-018-2358-0. PubMed PMID: 30535615.
  16. Chang D, Sanders-Buell E, Bose M, O’Sullivan AM, Pham P, Kroon E, Colby DJ, Sirijatuphat R, Billings E, Pinyakorn S, Chomchey N, Rutvisuttinunt W, Kijak G, de Souza M, Excler JL, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N, O’Connell RJ, Kim JH, Robb ML, Michael NL, Ananworanich J, Tovanabutra S; RV254/SEARCH 010 Study Group. Molecular epidemiology of a primarily MSM acute HIV-1 cohort in Bangkok, Thailand and connections within networks of transmission in Asia. J Int AIDS Soc. 2018 Nov;21(11):e25204. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25204. PubMed PMID: 30601598; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6282942.
  17. Chintanaphol M, Sacdalan C, Chottanapund S, Pinyakorn S, Buranapraditkun S, Crowell TA, Kroon E, Manasnayakorn S, Chipman JG, Schacker TW, Michael N, Phanuphak N, Spudich SS, Colby DJ, Ananworanich J. Brief Report: Safety and Tolerability of Inguinal Lymph Node Biopsy in Individuals With Acute HIV Infection in Thailand. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Oct 1;79(2):244-248. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001780.PMID: 30212436.
  18. Samboju V, Philippi CL, Chan P, Cobigo Y, Fletcher JLK, Robb M, Hellmuth J, Benjapornpong K, Dumrongpisutikul N, Pothisri M, Paul R, Ananworanich J, Spudich S, Valcour V, for the , SEARCH 010/RV254, RV304 protocol teams. Structural and functional brain imaging in acute HIV. Neuroimage Clin. 2018 Jul 27;20:327-335. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.07.024. eCollection 2018. PMID:30101063 | PMCID:PMC6082997. 
  19. Kroon E, Pham PT, Sirivichayakul S, Trichavaroj R, Colby DJ, Pinyakorn S, Phanuphak N, Sanders-Buell E, Van Griensven F, Kijak GH, Kim JH, Michael NL, Robb ML, Ananworanich J, De Souza MS, Tovanabutra S; RV254/SEARCH 010 Study Group. Transmission dynamics among participants initiating anti-retroviral therapy upon diagnosis of early acute HIV-1 infection in Thailand. AIDS. 2018 Aug 8. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000001956. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:30096068.
  20. D’Antoni ML, Byron MM, Chan P, Sailasuta N, Sacdalan C, Sithinamsuwan P, Tipsuk S, Pinyakorn S, Kroon E, Slike BM, Krebs SJ, Khadka VS, Chalermchai T, Kallianpur KJ, Robb M, Spudich S, Valcour V, Ananworanich J, Ndhlovu LC; RV254/SEARCH010; SEARCH011 and RV304/SEARCH013 study groups. Normalization of Soluble CD163 after Institution of Antiretroviral Therapy During Acute HIV Infection Tracks with Fewer Neurological Abnormalities. J Infect Dis. 2018 Jun 2. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy337. PMID:29868826. 
  21. Teigler JE, Leyre L, Chomont N, Slike B, Jian N, Eller MA, Phanuphak N, Kroon E, Pinyakorn S, Eller LA, Robb ML, Ananworanich J, Michael NL, Streeck H, Krebs SJ; RV254/RV217 study groups. Distinct biomarker signatures in HIV acute infection associate with viral dynamics and reservoir size. JCI Insight. 2018 May 17;3(10). pii: 98420. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.98420. PMID:29769442. 
  22. Chan P, Patel P, Hellmuth J, Colby DJ, Kroon E, Sacdalan C, Pinyakorn S, Jagodzinski L, Krebs S, Ananworanich J, Valcour V, Spudich S; RV254/SEARCH 010 Study Team. Distribution of HIV RNA in CSF and Blood is linked to CD4/CD8 Ratio During Acute HIV. J Infect Dis. 2018 May 7. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy260. PMID:29741638. 
  23. Colby D, Kroon E, Sacdalan C, Gandhi M, Grant RM, Phanuphak P, Ananworanich J, Robb ML,  Phanuphak N, on behalf of the SEARCH010/RV254 Study Team. Acquisition of multidrug resistant HIV-1 infection in a patient taking preexposure prophylaxis. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Jun 29. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy321. PMID:29961859. 
  24. Colby D, Trautmann L, Pinyakorn S, Leyre L, Pagliuzza A, Kroon E, Rolland M, Takata H, Buranapraditkun S, Intasan J, Chomchey N, Muir R, Haddad EK, Tovanabutra S, Ubolyam S, Bolton DL, Fullmer BA, Gorelick R, Fox L, Crowell T, Trichavaroj R, O’ Connell R, Chomont N, Kim JH, Michael NL, Robb ML, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, on behalf of the RV411 study group. Rapid HIV RNA rebound after antiretroviral treatment interruption in persons durably suppressed in Fiebig I acute HIV infection. Nat Med. 2018 Jun 11. doi: 10.1038/s41591-018-0026-6. PMID:29892063. 
  25. Colby DJ, Posuwan N, Kroon E, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, Robb ML, Phanuphak P, Poovorawan Y, SEARCH010/RV254 Study Team. Reply to Chen et al.  J Infect Dis. 2018 Apr 23. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy161. PMID:29688398. 
  26. Chan P, Hellmuth J, Colby D, Kroon E, Sacdalan C, Fletcher J, Patel P, Pinyakorn S, Valcour V, Ananworanich J, Spudich S. Safety of lumbar puncture procedure in an international research setting during acute HIV infection. J Virus Erad. 2018 Jan 1;4(1):16-20. PubMed [citation] PMID: 29568548
  27. Sivro A, Schuetz A, Sheward D, Joag V, Yegorov S, Liebenberg LJ, Yende-Zuma N,Stalker A, Mwatelah RS, Selhorst P, Garrett N, Samsunder N, Balgobin A, Nawaz F, Cicala C, Arthos J, Fauci AS, Anzala AO, Kimani J, Bagaya BS, Kiwanuka N,Williamson C, et al. Integrin α(4)β(7) expression on peripheral blood CD4(+) T cells predicts HIV acquisition and disease progression outcomes. Sci Transl Med. 2018 Jan 24;10(425). pii: eaam6354. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aam6354. PubMed [citation] PMID: 29367348
  28. Brittany Rife Magalis, Samantha L. Strickland, Stephen D. Shank, Patrick Autissier, Alexandra Schuetz, Pasiri Sithinamsuwan, Sukalaya Lerdlum, James L. K. Fletcher, Mark de Souza, Jintanat Ananworanich, Victor Valcour, with the SEARCH007 Study Group, Nicholas Hatchings, Yuwadee Phuang-Ngern, Weerawan Chuenarom, Somporn Tipsuk, Mantana Pothisri, Tanate Jadwattanakul, Supun-nee Jirajariyavej, Chayada Sajjaweerawan, Boot Kaewboon, Siriwat Akapirat, Thep Chalermchai, Duanghathai Suttichom, Peeriya Prueksakaew, Putthachard Karnsomlap, David Clifford, Robert H. Paul, Jerome H. Kim, Kenneth C. Williams, Sergei L Kosakovsky Pond, Silvia Ratto Kim, Marco Salemi. Monocyte Infection Dynamics Shape HIV-1 Phyloanatomy in the Peripheral Blood. bioRxiv 494856; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/494856


  1. van Griensven F, Guadamuz TE, de Lind van Wijngaarden JW, Phanuphak N, Solomon SS, Lo YR. Challenges and emerging opportunities for the HIV prevention, treatmeant and care cascade in men who have sex with men in Asia Pacific. Sex Transm Infect 2017; 93(5): 356-62.
  2. Plotzker R, Seekaew P, Jantarapakde J, et al. The Importance of Risk Perception: Predictors of PrEP Acceptance Among Thai MSM and TG Women at a Community-Based Health Service. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2017.
  3. Pankam T, Kerr SJ, Teeratakulpisan N, et al. Human papillomavirus in anal biopsy tissues and liquid-based cytology samples of HIV-positive and HIV-negative Thai men who have sex with men. Papillomavirus Res 2017; 3: 149-54.
  4. Khawcharoenporn T, Apisarnthanarak A, Phanuphak N. Active targeted HIV testing and linkage to care among men who have sex with men attending a gay sauna in Thailand. AIDS Care 2017; 29(3): 355-64.
  5. Landolt NK, Do T, Kasipong N, et al. Low-level genital HIV shedding in Thai HIV-infected women with suppressed plasma viral load after menopause: a longitudinal study. J Virus Erad 2017; 3(4): 204-7.
  6. Chomchey N, Woratanarat T, Hiransuthikul N, et al. Factors associated with intention to take non-occupational HIV post-exposure prophylaxis among Thai men who have sex with men. J Virus Erad 2017; 3(3): 128-39.
  7. Anand T, Nitpolprasert C, Trachunthong D, et al. A novel Online-to-Offline (O2O) model for pre-exposure prophylaxis and HIV testing scale up. J Int AIDS Soc 2017; 20(1): 21326.
  8. Anand T, Nitpolprasert C, Phanuphak N. Online-to-offline models in HIV service delivery. Curr Opin HIV AIDS 2017.
  9. Anand T, Nitpolprasert C, Kerr SJ, et al. A qualitative study of Thai HIV-positive young men who have sex with men and transgender women demonstrates the need for eHealth interventions to optimize the HIV care continuum. AIDS Care 2017; 29(7): 870-5.
  10. Anand T, Nitpolprasert C, Kerr SJ, et al. Implementation of an online HIV prevention and treatment cascade in Thai men who have sex with men and transgender women using Adam’s Love Electronic Health Record system. J Virus Erad 2017; 3(1): 15-23.
  11. Crowell TA, Colby DJ, Pinyakorn S, Fletcher JLK, Kroon E, Schuetz A, Krebs SJ, Slike BM, Leyre L, Chomont N, Jagodzinski LL, Sereti I, Utay NS, Dewar R, Rerknimitr R, Chomchey N, Trichavaroj R, Valcour VG, Spudich S, Michael NL, Robb ML, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J; RV254/SEARCH010 Study Group. Acute Retroviral Syndrome is Associated with High Viral Burden, CD4 Depletion, and Immune Activation in Systemic and Tissue Compartments. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Dec 7. doi: 10.1093/cid/cix1063. PMID: 29228130. 
  12. Henderson GE, Peay HL, Kroon E, Cadigan RJ, Meagher K, Jupimai T, Gilbertson A, Fisher J, Ormsby NQ, Chomchey N, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, Rennie S. Ethics of treatment interruption trials in HIV cure research: addressing the conundrum of risk/benefit assessment. J Med Ethics. 2018 Apr;44(4):270-276. doi:10.1136/medethics-2017-104433. Epub 2017 Nov 10. PubMed [citation] PMID: 29127137
  13. Hsu DC, Ananworanich J. Immune Interventions to Eliminate the HIV Reservoir. Current topics in microbiology and immunology. 2018;417:181-210. Epub 2017/10/27. doi: 10.1007/82_2017_70. PubMed PMID: 29071472.
  14. Ananworanich J, Eller LA, Pinyakorn S, Kroon E, Sriplenchan S, Fletcher JL,Suttichom D, Bryant C, Trichavaroj R, Dawson P, Michael N, Phanuphak N, Robb ML, on behalf of the RV217 and V254/SEARCH010 study groups. Viral kinetics in untreated versus treated acute HIV infection in prospective cohort studies in Thailand. J Int AIDS Soc. 2017 Jun 26;20(1):21652. doi:10.7448/IAS.20.1.21652. PubMed [citation] PMID: 28691436, PMCID: PMC5515031 
  15. Kroon E, Phanuphak N, Shattock AJ, Fletcher JLK, Pinyakorn S, Chomchey N, Akapirat S, de Souza MS, Robb ML, Kim JH, van Griensven F, Ananworanich J, Wilson DP. Acute HIV infection detection and immediate treatment estimated to reduce transmission by 89% among men who have sex with men in Bangkok. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2017;20(1):21708. Epub 2017/07/12. doi: 10.7448/ias.20.1.21708. PubMed PMID: 28691441; PMCID: PMC5515043.
  16. Sacdalan C, Crowell TA, Colby DJ, Kroon E, Chan P, Pinyakorn S, Chomchey N, Prueksakaew P, Puttamaswin S, Chintanaphol M, Cheng T, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J; RV254/SEARCH 010 Study Group. Brief Report: Safety of frequent blood sampling in research participants in an acute HIV infection cohort in Thailand. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2017 Apr 26. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001436. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 28452910.
  17. Takata H, Buranapraditkun S, Kessing C, Fletcher JL, Muir R, Tardif V, Cartwright P, Vandergeeten C, Bakeman W, Nichols CN, Pinyakorn S, Hansasuta P, Kroon E, Chalermchai T, O’Connell R, Kim J, Phanuphak N, Robb ML, Michael NL, Chomont N, Haddad EK, Ananworanich J, Trautmann L; RV254/SEARCH010 and the RV304/SEARCH013 Study Groups. Delayed differentiation of potent effector CD8+ T cells reducing viremia and reservoir seeding in acute HIV infection. Sci Transl Med. 2017 Feb 15;9(377). pii: eaag1809. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aag1809. PMID: 28202771.
  18. Hellmuth J, Colby D, Valcour V, Suttichom D, Spudich S, Ananworanich J, Prueksakaew P, Sailasuta N, Allen I, Jagodzinski LL, Slike B, Ochi D, Paul R. Depression and Anxiety are Common in Acute HIV Infection and Associate with Plasma Immune Activation. AIDS and behavior. 2017;21(11):3238-46. Epub 2017/05/10. doi: 10.1007/s10461-017-1788-4. PubMed PMID: 28484888; PMCID: PMC5830305.
  19. Kessing CF, Spudich S, Valcour V, Cartwright P, Chalermchai T, Fletcher JL, Nichols C, Josey BJ, Slike B, Krebs SJ, Sailsuta N, Lerdlum S, Jagodinski L, Tipsuk S, Suttichom D, Rattanamansee S, Zetterberg H, Hellmuth J, Phanuphak N, Robb ML, Michael NL, Ananworanich J, Trautmann L.  High number of activated CD8+ T cells targeting HIV antigens are present in cerebrospinal fluid in acute HIV Infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2017 May 1;75(1):108-117. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001301. PMID: 28177966. 


  1. Sailasuta N, Ananworanich J, Lerdlum S, Sithinamsuwan P, Fletcher JL, Tipsuk S, Pothisri M, Jadwattanakul T, Jirajariyavej S, Chalermchai T, Catella S, Busovaca E, Desai A, Paul R, Valcour V; SEARCH 011 Study Group. Neuronal-Glia Markers by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in HIV Before and After Combination Antiretroviral Therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2016 Jan 1;71(1):24-30. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000000779. PMID: 26258565; PMCID: PMC4713260.
  2. Zablotska I, Grulich AE, Phanuphak N, et al. PrEP implementation in the Asia-Pacific region: opportunities, implementation and barriers. J Int AIDS Soc 2016; 19(7(Suppl 6)): 21119.
  3. Sapsirisavat V, Phanuphak N, Sophonphan J, et al. Differences Between Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) with Low CD4 Cell Counts at Their First HIV Test and MSM with Higher CD4 Counts in Bangkok, Thailand. AIDS Behav 2016; 20(Suppl 3): 398-407.
  4. Sapsirisavat V, Phanuphak N, Keadpudsa S, et al. Psychosocial and Behavioral Characteristics of High-Risk Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) of Unknown HIV Positive Serostatus in Bangkok, Thailand. AIDS Behav 2016; 20(Suppl 3): 386-97.
  5. Phanuphak N, Phanuphak P. History of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Thailand. J Virus Erad 2016; 2(2): 107-9.
  6. Peluso MJ, Valcour V, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, Fletcher JL, Chalermchai T, Krebs SJ, Robb ML, Hellmuth J, Gisslen M, Zetterberg H, Spudich S. Immediate initiation of cART is associated with lower levels of cerebrospinal fluid YKL-40, a marker of microglial activation, in HIV-1 infection. AIDS (London, England). 2017;31(2):247-52. Epub 2016/11/08. doi: 10.1097/qad.0000000000001314. PubMed PMID: 27819802; PMCID: PMC5844231.
  7. Colby DJ, Crowell TA, Sirivichayakul S, Pinyakorn S, Kroon E, Benjapornpong K, Intasan J, Trichavaroj R, Tovanabutra S, Robb M, Phanuphak P, Ananworanich J, Phanuphak N. Declining trend in transmitted drug resistance detected in a prospective cohort study of acute HIV infection in Bangkok, Thailand. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2016;19(1):20966. Epub 2016/11/03. doi: 10.7448/ias.19.1.20966. PubMed PMID: 27802846; PMCID: PMC5090107.
  8. Sereti I, Krebs SJ, Phanuphak N, Fletcher JL, Slike B, Pinyakorn S, O’Connell RJ, Rupert A, Chomont N, Valcour V, Kim JH, Robb ML, Michael NL, Douek DC, Ananworanich J, Utay NS. Persistent, Albeit Reduced, Chronic Inflammation in Persons Starting Antiretroviral Therapy in Acute HIV Infection. Clinical infectious diseases: an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 2017;64(2):124-31. Epub 2016/10/16. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciw683. PubMed PMID: 27737952; PMCID: PMC5215214.
  9. Crowell TA, Fletcher JL, Sereti I, Pinyakorn S, Dewar R, Krebs SJ, Chomchey N, Rerknimitr R, Schuetz A, Michael NL, Phanuphak N, Chomont N, Ananworanich J. Initiation of antiretroviral therapy before detection of colonic infiltration by HIV reduces viral reservoirs, inflammation and immune activation. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2016;19(1):21163. Epub 2016/09/18. doi: 10.7448/ias.19.1.21163. PubMed PMID: 27637172; PMCID: PMC5026729.
  10. Ananworanich J, Chomont N, Eller LA, Kroon E, Tovanabutra S, Bose M, Nau M, Fletcher JLK, Tipsuk S, Vandergeeten C, O’Connell RJ, Pinyakorn S, Michael N, Phanuphak N, Robb ML, on behalf of the RV217 and RV254/SEARCH010 study groups. HIV DNA Set Point is Rapidly Established in Acute HIV Infection and Dramatically Reduced by Early ART. EBioMedicine. 2016;11:68-72. Epub 2016/07/28. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.07.024. PubMed PMID: 27460436; PMCID: PMC5049918.
  11. Muir R, Metcalf T, Tardif V, Takata H, Phanuphak N, Kroon E, Colby DJ, Trichavaroj R, Valcour V, Robb ML, Michael NL, Ananworanich J, Trautmann L, Haddad EK. Altered Memory Circulating T Follicular Helper-B Cell Interaction in Early Acute HIV Infection. PLoS pathogens. 2016;12(7):e1005777. Epub 2016/07/28. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005777. PubMed PMID: 27463374; PMCID: PMC4963136.
  12. Hellmuth J, Fletcher JL, Valcour V, Kroon E, Ananworanich J, Intasan J, Lerdlum S, Narvid J, Pothisri M, Allen I, Krebs SJ, Slike B, Prueksakaew P, Jagodzinski LL, Puttamaswin S, Phanuphak N, Spudich S. Neurologic signs and symptoms frequently manifest in acute HIV infection. Neurology. 2016;87(2):148-54. Epub 2016/06/12. doi: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000002837. PubMed PMID: 27287217; PMCID: PMC4930060.
  13. Ananworanich J, Sacdalan CP, Pinyakorn S, Chomont N, de Souza M, Luekasemsuk T, Schuetz A, Krebs SJ, Dewar R, Jagodzinski L, Ubolyam S, Trichavaroj R, Tovanabutra S, Spudich S, Valcour V, Sereti I, Michael N, Robb M, Phanuphak P, Kim JH, Phanuphak N. Virological and immunological characteristics of HIV-infected individuals at the earliest stage of infection. Journal of virus eradication. 2016;2:43-8. Epub 2016/02/19. PubMed PMID: 26889497; PMCID: PMC4754199.
  14. de Souza MS, Pinyakorn S, Akapirat S, Pattanachaiwit S, Fletcher JL, Chomchey N, Kroon ED, Ubolyam S, Michael NL, Robb ML, Phanuphak P, Kim JH, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J. Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy During Acute HIV-1 Infection Leads to a High Rate of Nonreactive HIV Serology. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 2016;63(4):555-61. Epub 2016/06/19. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciw365. PubMed PMID: 27317797.
  15. Deleage C, Schuetz A, Alvord WG, Johnston L, Hao XP, Morcock DR, Rerknimitr R, Fletcher JL, Puttamaswin S, Phanuphak N, Dewar R, McCune JM, Sereti I, Robb M, Kim JH, Schacker TW, Hunt P, Lifson JD, Ananworanich J, Estes JD. Impact of early cART in the gut during acute HIV infection. JCI insight. 2016;1(10). Epub 2016/07/23. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.87065. PubMed PMID: 27446990; PMCID: PMC4951101.
  16. Crowell TA, Phanuphak N, Pinyakorn S, Kroon E, Fletcher JL, Colby D, Tipsuk S, Karnsomlap P, Laopraynak N, O’Connell RJ, Robb ML, Ananworanich J. Virologic failure is uncommon after treatment initiation during acute HIV infection. AIDS (London, England). 2016;30(12):1943-50. Epub 2016/05/11. doi: 10.1097/qad.0000000000001148. PubMed PMID: 27163706.


  1. Zhang L, Phanuphak N, Henderson K, et al. Scaling up of HIV treatment for men who have sex with men in Bangkok: a modelling and costing study. Lancet HIV 2015; 2(5): e200-7.
  2. Werayingyong P, Phanuphak N, Chokephaibulkit K, et al. Economic Evaluation of 3-Drug Antiretroviral Regimens for the Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission in Thailand. Asia Pac J Public Health 2015; 27(2): NP866-76.
  3. Vacharotayangul P, Rungsiyanont S, Lam-Ubol A, et al. Higher prevalence of oral human papillomavirus infection in HIV-positive than HIV-negative Thai men and women. Cancer Epidemiol 2015; 39(6): 917-22.
  4. Rodger AJ, Lampe FC, Grulich AE, et al. Transmission risk behaviour at enrolment in participants in the INSIGHT Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment (START) trial. HIV Med 2015; 16 Suppl 1: 64-76.
  5. Ramautarsing RA, Phanuphak N, Chaithongwongwatthana S, et al. Cervical and anal HPV infection: cytological and histological abnormalities in HIV-infected women in Thailand. Journal of Virus Eradication 2015; 1: 96-102.
  6. Phanuphak N, Tien-Udom N, Phanuphak P. Community participation in HIV cure research: perspectives from Thailand. Journal of Virus Eradication 2015; 1: 49-50.
  7. Phanuphak N, Teeratakulpisarn N, van Griensven F, et al. Anogenital HIV RNA in Thai men who have sex with men in Bangkok during acute HIV infection and after randomization to standard vs. intensified antiretroviral regimens. J Int AIDS Soc 2015; 18(1): 19470.
  8. Phanuphak N, Lo YR, Shao Y, et al. HIV Epidemic in Asia: Implications for HIV Vaccine and Other Prevention Trials. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2015; 31(11): 1060-76.
  9. Kancheva Landolt N, Phanuphak N, Khongpetch C, et al. Low uptake of HIV testing and no HIV positivity in stable serodiscordant heterosexual partners of long-term treated HIV-infected Thais. AIDS Care 2015; 27(5): 587-94.
  10. Colby D, Srithanaviboonchai K, Vanichseni S, et al. HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and health and community systems in the Global South: Thailand case study. J Int AIDS Soc 2015; 18(4 Suppl 3): 19953.
  11. Ananworanich J, Prasitsuebsai W, Kerr SJ, et al. Cervical cytological abnormalities and HPV infection in perinatally HIV-infected adolescents. J Virus Erad 2015; 1(1): 30-7.
  12. Anand T, Nitpolprasert C, Ananworanich J, et al. Innovative strategies using communications technologies to engage gay men and other men who have sex with men into early HIV testing and treatment in Thailand. Journal of Virus Eradication 2015; 1: 111-5.
  13. Ananworanich J, Chomont N, Fletcher JL, Pinyakorn S, Schuetz A, Sereti I, Rerknimitr R, Dewar R, Kroon E, Vandergeeten C, Trichavaroj R, Chomchey N, Chalermchai T, Michael NL, Kim JH, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N. Markers of HIV reservoir size and immune activation after treatment in acute HIV infection with and without raltegravir and maraviroc intensification. Journal of virus eradication. 2015;1(2):116-22. Epub 2016/02/03. PubMed PMID: 26835516; PMCID: PMC4729387.
  14. Phanuphak N, Paris R, Colby D, Pinyakorn S, Souza M, Teeratakulpisarn N, Chomchey N, Sutthichom D, Sukjitpaiboonphol A, Pankam T, Kim JH, Ananworanich J, Phanuphak P. Low incidence of HIV infection in an anonymous HIV counselling and testing clinic cohort in Bangkok, Thailand despite high HIV prevalence and self-report of high-risk behaviour. J Virus Erad. 2015 Apr 1;1(2):89-95. PMID: 27482397; PMCID: PMC4946686.
  15. De Souza MS, Phanuphak N, Pinyakorn S, Trichavaroj R, Pattanachaiwit S, Chomchey N, Fletcher JL, Kroon ED, Michael NL, Phanuphak P, Kim JH, Ananworanich J. Impact of nucleic acid testing relative to antigen/antibody combination immunoassay on the detection of acute HIV infection. AIDS (London, England). 2015;29(7):793-800. Epub 2015/05/20. doi: 10.1097/qad.0000000000000616. PubMed PMID: 25985402.
  16. Phanuphak N, Teeratakulpisarn N, van Griensven F, Chomchey N, Pinyakorn S, Fletcher JL, Trichavaroj R, Pattanachaiwit S, Michael N, Phanuphak P, Kim JH, Ananworanich J. Anogenital HIV RNA in Thai men who have sex with men in Bangkok during acute HIV infection and after randomization to standard vs. intensified antiretroviral regimens. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2015;18:19470. Epub 2015/05/10. doi: 10.7448/ias.18.1.19470. PubMed PMID: 25956171; PMCID: PMC4425809.
  17. Shikuma CM, Bennett K, Ananworanich J, Gerschenson M, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jadwattanakul T, DeGruttola V, McArthur JC, Ebenezer G, Chomchey N, Praihirunkit P, Hongchookiat P, Mathajittiphun P, Nakamoto B, Hauer P, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N; SEARCH 003 protocol team. Distal leg epidermal nerve fiber density as a surrogate marker of HIV-associated sensory neuropathy risk: risk factors and change following initial antiretroviral therapy. J Neurovirol. 2015 Oct;21(5):525-34. doi: 10.1007/s13365-015-0352-0. Epub 2015 May 22. PMID: 26002840; PMCID: PMC4611029.
  18. Kore I, Ananworanich J, Valcour V, Fletcher JL, Chalermchai T, Paul R, Reynolds J, Tipsuk S, Ubolyam S, Rattanamanee S, Jagodzinski L, Kim J, Spudich S. Neuropsychological Impairment in Acute HIV and the Effect of Immediate Antiretroviral Therapy. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999). 2015;70(4):393-9. Epub 2015/10/29. doi: 10.1097/qai.0000000000000746. PubMed PMID: 26509933; PMCID: PMC4625393.
  19. Peluso MJ, Valcour V, Ananworanich J, Sithinamsuwan P, Chalermchai T, Fletcher JL, Lerdlum S, Chomchey N, Slike B, Sailasuta N, Gisslen M, Zetterberg H, Spudich S. Absence of Cerebrospinal Fluid Signs of Neuronal Injury Before and After Immediate Antiretroviral Therapy in Acute HIV Infection. The Journal of infectious diseases. 2015;212(11):1759-67. Epub 2015/05/23. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiv296. PubMed PMID: 25995196; PMCID: PMC4633761.
  20. Valcour VG, Spudich SS, Sailasuta N, Phanuphak N, Lerdlum S, Fletcher JL, Kroon ED, Jagodzinski LL, Allen IE, Adams CL, Prueksakaew P, Slike BM, Hellmuth JM, Kim JH, Ananworanich J. Neurological Response to cART vs. cART plus Integrase Inhibitor and CCR5 Antagonist Initiated during Acute HIV. PloS one. 2015;10(11):e0142600. Epub 2015/11/12. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142600. PubMed PMID: 26555069; PMCID: PMC4640512.
  21. Ananworanich J, Datta AA, Fletcher JL, Townamchai N, Chomchey N, Kroon E, Sereti I, Valcour V, Kim JH. Acute tubular nephropathy in a patient with acute HIV infection: review of the literature. AIDS research and therapy. 2014;11:34. Epub 2014/01/01. doi: 10.1186/1742-6405-11-34. PubMed PMID: 25745498; PMCID: PMC4350645.
  22. Vandergeeten C, Fromentin R, Merlini E, Lawani MB, DaFonseca S, Bakeman W, McNulty A, Ramgopal M, Michael N, Kim JH, Ananworanich J, Chomont N. Cross-clade ultrasensitive PCR-based assays to measure HIV persistence in large-cohort studies. Journal of virology. 2014;88(21):12385-96. Epub 2014/08/15. doi: 10.1128/jvi.00609-14. PubMed PMID: 25122785; PMCID: PMC4248919.
  23. Ananworanich J, Sirivichayakul S, Pinyakorn S, Crowell TA, Trichavaroj R, Weerayingyong J, Chomchey N, Fletcher JL, van Griensven F, Phanuphak P, Robb ML, Michael NL, Kim JH, Phanuphak N. High prevalence of transmitted drug resistance in acute HIV-infected Thai men who have sex with men. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999). 2015;68(4):481-5. Epub 2015/01/07. doi: 10.1097/qai.0000000000000502. PubMed PMID: 25559593.
  24. Heaps JM, Sithinamsuwan P, Paul R, Lerdlum S, Pothisri M, Clifford D, Tipsuk S, Catella S, Busovaca E, Fletcher JL, Raudabaugh B, Ratto-Kim S, Valcour V, Ananworanich J; SEARCH 007/011 study groups. Association between brain volumes and HAND in cART-naïve HIV+ individuals from Thailand. J Neurovirol. 2015 Apr;21(2):105-12. doi: 10.1007/s13365-014-0309-8. Epub 2015 Jan 21. PMID: 25604494; PMCID: PMC4375016.
  25. Ndhlovu LC, D’Antoni ML, Ananworanich J, Byron MM, Chalermchai T, Sithinamsuwan P, Tipsuk S, Ho E, Slike BM, Schuetz A, Zhang G, Agsalda-Garcia M, Shiramizu B, Shikuma CM, Valcour V; SEARCH 011 study group. Loss of CCR2 expressing non-classical monocytes are associated with cognitive impairment in antiretroviral therapy-naïve HIV-infected Thais. J Neuroimmunol. 2015 Nov 15;288:25-33. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2015.08.020. Epub 2015 Sep 4. PMID: 26531691; PMCID: PMC4633708.


  1. van Griensven F, Phanuphak N, Srithanaviboonchai K. Biomedical HIV prevention research and epidemic control in Thailand: two sides of the same coin. Sex Health 2014.
  2. Maek ANW, Phanuphak N, Teeratakulpisarn N, et al. Attitudes toward, and interest in, the test-and-treat strategy for HIV prevention among Thai men who have sex with men. AIDS Care 2014: 1-5.
  3. Lo YR, Kato M, Phanuphak N, et al. Challenges and potential barriers to the uptake of antiretroviral-based prevention in Asia and the Pacific region. Sex Health 2014.
  4. Landolt NK, Phanuphak N, Ubolyam S, et al. Significant decrease of ethinylestradiol with nevirapine, and of etonogestrel with efavirenz in HIV-positive women. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2014.
  5. Jantarapakde J, Phanuphak N, Chaturawit C, et al. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Among Antiretroviral-Naive and Antiretroviral-Experienced HIV-1 Infected Thai Adults. AIDS Patient Care STDS 2014.
  6. Bavinton BR, Jin F, Prestage G, et al. The Opposites Attract Study of viral load, HIV treatment and HIV transmission in serodiscordant homosexual male couples: design and methods. BMC Public Health 2014; 14(1): 917.
  7. Sithinamsuwan P, Hutchings N, Ananworanich J, Wendelken L, Saengtawan P, Paul R, Chomchey N, Fletcher JL, Chalermchai T, Valcour V. Practice effect and normative data of an HIV-specific neuropsychological testing battery among healthy Thais. J Med Assoc Thai. 2014 Feb;97 Suppl 2(0 2):S222-33. PMID: 25518198; PMCID: PMC4324973.
  8. Hulgan T, Levinson RT, Gerschenson M, Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, Teeratakulpisarm N, Jadwattanakul T, LiButti DE, Fink H, McArthur JC, Ebenezer GJ, Hauer P, Murdock D, Shikuma CM, Samuels DC; SEARCH 003 Study Team. Epidermal nerve fiber density, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial haplogroups in HIV-infected Thais initiating therapy. AIDS. 2014 Jul 17;28(11):1625-33. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000000297. PMID: 24785954; PMCID: PMC4427899.
  9. Schuetz A, Deleage C, Sereti I, Rerknimitr R, Phanuphak N, Phuang-Ngern Y, Estes JD, Sandler NG, Sukhumvittaya S, Marovich M, Jongrakthaitae S, Akapirat S, Fletscher JL, Kroon E, Dewar R, Trichavaroj R, Chomchey N, Douek DC, RJ OC, Ngauy V, Robb ML, Phanuphak P, Michael NL, Excler JL, Kim JH, de Souza MS, Ananworanich J. Initiation of ART during early acute HIV infection preserves mucosal Th17 function and reverses HIV-related immune activation. PLoS pathogens. 2014;10(12):e1004543. Epub 2014/12/17. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004543. PubMed PMID: 25503054; PMCID: PMC4263756.


  1. Phanuphak N, Teeratakulpisarn N, Triratanachat S, et al. High prevalence and incidence of high-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia among young Thai men who have sex with men with and without HIV. AIDS 2013; 27(11): 1753-62.
  2. Phanuphak N, Teeratakulpisarn N, Pankam T, et al. Anal Human Papillomavirus Infection Among Thai Men Who Have Sex With Men With and Without HIV Infection: Prevalence, Incidence, and Persistence. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2013; 63(4): 472-9.
  3. Phanuphak N, Teeratakulpisarn N, Lim C, et al. Comparable Performance of Conventional and Liquid-Based Cytology in Diagnosing Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia in HIV-Infected and -Uninfected Thai Men Who Have Sex With Men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2013; 63(4): 464-71.
  4. Phanuphak N, Teeratakulpisarn N, Keelawat S, et al. Use of Human Papillomavirus DNA, E6/E7 mRNA, and p16 Immunocytochemistry to Detect and Predict anal High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Men Who Have Sex with Men. PLoS One 2013; 8(11): e78291.
  5. Nilyanimit P, Wanlapakorn N, Niruthisard S, et al. Detection of human papillomavirus in male and female urine by electrochemical DNA chip and PCR sequencing. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2013; 14(9): 5519-25.
  6. Kancheva Landolt N, Ramautarsing RA, Phanuphak N, et al. Factors associated with the use of irreversible contraception and continuous use of reversible contraception in a cohort of HIV-positive women. Contraception 2013; 88(1): 67-73.
  7. Kancheva Landolt N, Phanuphak N, Teeratakulpisarn N, et al. Uptake and continuous use of copper intrauterine device in a cohort of HIV-positive women. AIDS Care 2013.
  8. Chalermchai T, Valcour V, Sithinamsuwan P, Pinyakorn S, Clifford D, Paul RH, Tipsuk S, Fletcher JL, Degruttola V, Ratto-Kim S, Hutchings N, Shikuma C, Ananworanich J; SEARCH 007 and 011 study groups. Trail Making Test A improves performance characteristics of the International HIV Dementia Scale to identify symptomatic HAND. J Neurovirol. 2013 Apr;19(2):137-43. doi: 10.1007/s13365-013-0151-4. Epub 2013 Mar 13. PMID: 23483520; PMCID: PMC3643005.
  9. Ananworanich J, Fletcher JL, Pinyakorn S, van Griensven F, Vandergeeten C, Schuetz A, Pankam T, Trichavaroj R, Akapirat S, Chomchey N, Phanuphak P, Chomont N, Michael NL, Kim JH, de Souza M. A novel acute HIV infection staging system based on 4th generation immunoassay. Retrovirology. 2013;10:56. Epub 2013/05/31. doi: 10.1186/1742-4690-10-56. PubMed PMID: 23718762; PMCID: PMC3669623.
  10. Shikuma CM, McArthur JC, Ebenezer GJ, Ananworanich J, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jadwattanakul T, Valcour VG, Bennett K, Phanuphak N; SEARCH 014 Protocol Team. Ethnic differences in epidermal nerve fiber density. Muscle Nerve. 2013 Sep;48(3):462-4. doi: 10.1002/mus.23834. Epub 2013 Jul 27. PMID: 23483476; PMCID: PMC4010110.


  1. Ananworanich J, Schuetz A, Vandergeeten C, , Sereti I, deSouza M, Rerknimitr R, Dewar R, Marovich M, van Griensven F, Sekaly R, Pinyakorn S, Phanuphak N, Trichavaroj R, Rutvisuttinunt W, Chomchey N, Paris R, Peel S, Valcour V, Maldarelli F, Chomont N, Michael N, Phanuphak P, Kim JH on behalf of the RV254/SEARCH 010 Study Group. Impact of multi-targeted antiretroviral treatment on gut T cell depletion and HIV reservoir seeding during acute HIV infection. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(3):e33948. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033948. Epub 2012 Mar 30. PubMed [citation] PMID: 22479485, PMCID: PMC3316511.
  2. Valcour V, Chalermchai T, Sailasuta N, Marovich M, Lerdlum S, Suttichom D, Suwanwela NC, Jagodzinski L, Michael N, Spudich S, van Griensven F, de Souza M,  Kim J, Ananworanich J on behalf of the RV254/SEARCH 010 Study Group. CNS viral invasion and inflammation during acute HIV. J Infect Dis 2012. Jul 15;206(2):275-82. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jis326. Epub 2012 May 2. PubMed [citation] PMID: 22551810, PMCID: PMC3490695.
  3. Shikuma C, Gerschenson M, Ananworanich J, Valcour V, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jadwattanakul T, Degruttola V, Liang CY, McArthur J, Ebenezer G, Chomchey N, Praihirunkit P, Hongchookiath P, Mathajittiphun P, Nakamoto B, Hauer P, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N; SEARCH 003 protocol team. Determinants of epidermal nerve fibre density in antiretroviral-naïve HIV-infected individuals. HIV Med. 2012 Nov;13(10):602-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2012.01024.x. Epub 2012 May 11. PMID: 22574621; PMCID: PMC3654839.
  4. Heaps J, Valcour V, Chalermchai T, Paul R, Rattanamanee S, Siangphoe U, Sithinamsuwan P, Chairangsaris P, Nidhinandana S, Tipsuk S, Suttichom D, Fletcher J, Shikuma C, Ananworanich J. Development of normative neuropsychological performance in Thailand for the assessment of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2013;35(1):1-8. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2012.733682. Epub 2012 Nov 1. PMID: 23113809; PMCID: PMC3682786.
  5. Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jadwattanakul T, Kerr SJ, Chomchey N, Hongchookiat P, Mathajittiphun P, Pinyakorn S, Rungrojrat P, Praihirunyakit P, Gerschenson M, Phanuphak P, Valcour V, Kim JH, Shikuma C; SEARCH 003 Study Group. A 72-week randomized study of the safety and efficacy of a stavudine to zidovudine switch at 24 weeks compared to zidovudine or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate when given with lamivudine and nevirapine. Antivir Ther. 2012;17(8):1521-31. doi: 10.3851/IMP2497. Epub 2012 Dec 7. PMID: 23220732; PMCID: PMC3715552.
  6. Sailasuta N, Ross W, Ananworanich J, Chalermchai T, DeGruttola V, Lerdlum S, Pothisri M, Busovaca E, Ratto-Kim S, Jagodzinski L, Spudich S, Michael N, Kim JH, Valcour V. Change in brain magnetic resonance spectroscopy after treatment during acute HIV infection. PloS one. 2012;7(11):e49272. Epub 2012/12/12. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049272. PubMed PMID: 23229129; PMCID: PMC3500278.