JULY 2020
Virtual AIDS2020
By Rena Janamnuaysook and Narukjaporn Thammajaruk
Satellite Session: Understanding and Addressing the HIV and STI Syndemics in the COVID-19 Era
Community-led delivery of PrEP for men who have sex with men and transgender people in Thailand
By Dr. Nittaya Phanuphak
Satellite Session: Bringing PrEP closer to home: Why is now the time for differentiated PrEP?
PrEP cascade: A global perspective
By Dr. Nittaya Phanuphak Pungpapong
Symposia Session: SS08-PrEP: Are we PrEPared?
By Dr. Nittaya Phanuphak Pungpapong
Symposia Session: SS19 – How did they do it? What successful communities can teach all of us about making dramatic progress against HIV epidemics and what this means in the age of COVID
More from the Virtual AIDS2020 can be accessed at: IHRI@AIDS2020